Is it unreasonable to expect brands to perform better?


I’m sure Meeuwsen World seems like every other brand agency that promises the world then delivers an atlas.

Our marketing team comes from a business background. Instead of arguing with the design team about what colour to use — they are focused on strategies that stop client losses and achieve results.


We turn brand fat into Business muscle.

There are 3 types of brands —

1. Good product/service with bad branding

2. Bad product service with good branding — rare and don’t last long

3. Great products and services with great branding. We all know who they are. If this is true are we like everyone else?


Our Principles


Strategy first.

A good strategy is really deciding what you are not going to do. Strong brand positioning provides goal posts team members can kick through. When the team knows where they are headed — that flows through our clients organisations.

Great design.

We have been creating beauty for 25 years. This is how brands become memorable. Brand salience is tough to achieve, and we all know the names of the companies that achieve this.

Good work takes time.

Strategy is a process of investigation and can be scary at times. Brands often are afraid to ask their customers what they care about. We help brands see — where the losses are happening and how we can turn that around.